Restoring balance to your life
Gentle, specialized chiropractic treatment for migraines and headaches
At Balanced Atlas & Migraine Center in Centennial, Colorado, we know how debilitating migraines, headaches, and neck pain can be–your world can be turned upside down! We want to help you reclaim some “normalcy” back into your life.
Our goal is to provide restoration of health through gentle, non-invasive chiropractic treatment using the Atlas Orthogonal technique. Our specialty is treating headaches, migraines, and neck pain by correcting the position of the atlas vertebrae. Once corrected, the entire spine will realign and become balanced. We welcome all patients seeking extraordinary health and wishing to improve their quality of life!
What we can do for you
Verteflex Intersegmental Traction Table
Success Stories
“Look well to the spine for the cause of disease”